Thursday, August 1, 2024

Blog Table of Contents to Date

As we approach the end of summer 2024, I list here the blog episodes to date. There are, at this time, almost 600 consecutive blogs, from December 30, 2022 through August 1, 2024. To aid in finding the appropriate blog post, they are listed below with their date of publication. 

(I do not list the Sunday essays here -- those will be listed in a separate blog post.)

Old Testament Chapters


  Genesis 1, Creation, Jan 2, 2023

  Genesis 2, Paradise, Jan 3, 2023

  Genesis 3, Evil, Jan 4, 2023

  Genesis 4, Murder, Jan 5, 2023

  Genesis 5, Adam to Noah, Jan 6, 2023

  Genesis 6, God's Covenant with Noah, Jan 7, 2023

  Genesis 7, The Great Flood, Jan 9, 2023

  Genesis 8, Dry Land, Jan 10, 2023

  Genesis 9, Renewal, Jan 11, 2023

  Genesis 10, The Table Of Nations, Jan 12, 2023

  Genesis 11, Babel, Jan 13, 2023

  Genesis 12, Abram, Jan 14, 2023

  Genesis 13, Separation of Abram and Lot, Jan 16, 2023

  Genesis 14, War in the Valley of Siddim, Jan 17, 2023

  Genesis 15, Count the Stars!, Jan 18, 2023

  Genesis 16, Hagar's Child, Jan 19, 2023

  Genesis 17, Covenant Circumcision, Jan 20, 2023

  Genesis 18, Three Men at Mamre, Jan 21, 2023

  Genesis 19, Judgment on Sodom, Jan 23, 2023

  Genesis 20, Abraham in Gerar, Jan 24, 2023

  Genesis 21, Laughter, Jan 25, 2023

  Genesis 22, Abraham is Tested, Jan 26, 2023

  Genesis 23, The Death of Sarah, Jan 27, 2023

  Genesis 24, A Wife for Isaac, Jan 28, 2023

  Genesis 25, Descendants of Abraham, Jan 30, 2023

  Genesis 26, Isaac, Jan 31, 2023

  Genesis 27, The Birthright, Feb 1, 2023

  Genesis 28, Stairway to Heaven, Feb 2, 2023

  Genesis 29, Look, Rachel!, Feb 3, 2023

  Genesis 30, Jacob's Children, Feb 4, 2023

  Genesis 31, Leaving Laban, Feb 6, 2023

  Genesis 32, Jacob Wrestles, Feb 7, 2023

  Genesis 33, Reconciliation with Esau, Feb 8, 2023

  Genesis 34, Rape, Feb 9, 2023

  Genesis 35, Bethel, Feb 10, 2023

  Genesis 36, Esau, Feb 11, 2023

  Genesis 37, Dreamer, Feb 13, 2023

  Genesis 38, Tamar, Feb 14, 2023

  Genesis 39, Joseph in Potiphar's House, Feb 15, 2023

  Genesis 40, Joseph in Prison, Feb 16, 2023

  Genesis 41, Pharaoh's Dreams, Feb 17, 2023

  Genesis 42, Ten Sons Go to Egypt, Feb 18, 2023

  Genesis 43, Ten Return to Egypt, Feb 20, 2023

  Genesis 44, One Final Test from Joseph, Feb 21, 2023

  Genesis 45, Jacob Reveals Himself to His Brothers, Feb 22, 2023

  Genesis 46, A Caravan to Egypt, Feb 23, 2023

  Genesis 47, Shepherds in Egypt, Feb 24, 2023

  Genesis 48, Blessing on Ephraim and Manasseh, Feb 25, 2023

  Genesis 49, Twelve Blessings, Feb 27, 2023

  Genesis 50, Funeral for Israel, Feb 28, 2023


  Exodus 1, Oppression in Egypt, March 1, 2023

  Exodus 2, A Savior is Born, March 2, 2023

  Exodus 3, A Bush That Does Not Burn, March 3, 2023

  Exodus 4, Preparation, March 4, 2023

  Exodus 5, Confrontation with Pharaoh, March 6, 2023

  Exodus 6, The Covenant Gospel of Exodus, March 7, 2023

  Exodus 7, Two Signs: Serpents and Blood, March 8, 2023

  Exodus 8, Frogs, Gnats, Flies!, March 9, 2023

  Exodus 9, Livestock Deaths, Boils, Hail, March 10, 2023

  Exodus 10, Locusts, Darkness, and... , March 11, 2023

  Exodus 11, The Final Sign, March 13, 2023

  Exodus 12, Pesach, March 14, 2023

  Exodus 13, The Feast of Unleavened Bread, March 15, 2023

  Exodus 14, Egyptian Army Destroyed, March 16, 2023

  Exodus 15, The Song of Moses, March 17, 2023

  Exodus 16, Manna and Quail, March 18, 2023

  Exodus 17, Massah and Meribah, March 20, 2023

  Exodus 18, Advice from a Father-in-Law, March 21, 2023

  Exodus 19, Mount Sinai, March 22, 2023

  Exodus 20, The Ten Words, March 23, 2023

  Exodus 21, On Servants and Property, March 24, 2023

  Exodus 22, Theft, Damages, Deception, March 25, 2023

  Exodus 23, Instructions Regarding Truth, Falsehood..., March 27, 2023

  Exodus 24, Confirming the Covenant, March 28, 2023

  Exodus 25, A Sanctuary for YHWH, March 29, 2023

  Exodus 26, The Tabernacle, March 30, 2023

  Exodus 27, The Altar and Courtyard, March 31, 2023

  Exodus 28, Garments for the Priests, April 1, 2023

  Exodus 29, Consecrating Priests to Meet God, April 3, 2023

  Exodus 30, Altar, Taxes, Incense, April 4, 2023

  Exodus 31, Skilled Craftsmen, April 5, 2023

  Exodus 32, A Golden Calf, April 6, 2023

  Exodus 33, The Presence Around the Tent of Meeting, April 7, 2023

  Exodus 34, Covenant Renewed, April 8, 2023

  Exodus 35, Tabernacle Work Begins, April 10, 2023

  Exodus 36, Constructing the Sanctuary, April 11, 2023

  Exodus 37, Ark, Altar, Table, Lampstand, April 12, 2023

  Exodus 38, Altar, Courtyard, Entrance, April 13, 2023

  Exodus 39, Garments for Aaron, April 14, 2023

  Exodus 40, The Tabernacle is Completed, April 15, 2023


  (coming in 2025)


  (coming in 2025)


  Deuteronomy 1, Review of the Wilderness Wanderings, April 17, 2023

  Deuteronomy 2, Battles in the Desert, April 18, 2023

  Deuteronomy 3, Conquest of the Transjordan, April 19, 2023

  Deuteronomy 4, Lessons from the Wilderness Wanderings, April 30, 2023

  Deuteronomy 5, Review of Commandments from Sinai, April 21, 2023

  Deuteronomy 6, Hear, O Israel!, April 22, 2023

  Deuteronomy 7, Promises of Eden, April 24, 2023

  Deuteronomy 8, In the Good Land, Do Not Forget!, April 25, 2023

  Deuteronomy 9, Idolatry, Grumbling, Wandering, April 26, 2023

  Deuteronomy 10, Renewal, April 27, 2023

  Deuteronomy 11, Blessing and Curse, April 28, 2023

  Deuteronomy 12, A Special Place of Sacrifice, April 29, 2023

  Deuteronomy 13, Violating the Third Commandment, May 1, 2023

  Deuteronomy 14, Dietary Laws, May 2, 2023

  Deuteronomy 15, The Sabbath Year, May 3, 2023

  Deuteronomy 16, Three Festivals, May 4, 2023

  Deuteronomy 17, Seeking Justice, May 5, 2023

  Deuteronomy 18, Priests and Prophets, May 6, 2023

  Deuteronomy 19, Murder and Manslaughter, May 8, 2023

  Deuteronomy 20, On War, May 9, 2023

  Deuteronomy 21, Blood Guilt, May 10, 2023

  Deuteronomy 22, On Adultery, May 11, 2023

  Deuteronomy 23, Impurities, May 12, 2023

  Deuteronomy 24, The Poor and Vulnerable, May 13, 2023

  Deuteronomy 25, Miscellaneous Decrees, May 15, 2023

  Deuteronomy 26, Arrival Offerings, May 16, 2023

  Deuteronomy 27, Ceremony on Mounts Ebal and Gerizim, May 17, 2023

  Deuteronomy 28, More on Blessings and Curses, May 18, 2023

  Deuteronomy 29, Prepare to Enter Canaan, May 19, 2023

  Deuteronomy 30, Choose Life!, May 20, 2023

  Deuteronomy 31, Read and Remember, May 22, 2023

  Deuteronomy 32, Song of Moses, II, May 23, 2023

  Deuteronomy 33, Blessings on Eleven Tribes, May 24, 2023

  Deuteronomy 34, Death of Moses, May 25, 2023


  Joshua 1, Be Strong and Courageous!, May 26, 2023

  Joshua 2, The Spies and Rahab, May 27, 2023 

  Joshua 3, Step into the Jordan, May 29, 2023 

  Joshua 4, Twelve Stones, May 30, 2023 

  Joshua 5, Recommitment, May 31, 2023 

  Joshua 6, Jericho, June 1, 2023

  Joshua 7, Ai, June 2, 2023

  Joshua 8, Ai Again, June 3, 2023

  Joshua 9, Treaty with Gibeon, June 5, 2023

  Joshua 10, Conquest of the Amorites (and a Still Sun!), June 6, 2023

  Joshua 11, Conquest of the Northern Kingdoms, June 7, 2023

  Joshua 12, Summary of Conquered Kings, June 8, 2023

  Joshua 13, The Possessions of Levi, Gad, Reuben and Half-Manasseh, June 9, 2023

  Joshua 14, The Inheritance of Caleb, June 10, 2023

  Joshua 15, The Inheritance of Judah, June 12, 2023

  Joshua 16, The Inheritance of Ephraim, June 13, 2023

  Joshua 17, The Inheritance of Manasseh, June 14, 2023

  Joshua 18, The Inheritance of Benjamin , June 15, 2023

  Joshua 19, The Inheritance of Simeon, Zebulun, Issachar, Asher, Naphtali, Dan, June 16, 2023

  Joshua 20, Cities of Refuge, June 17, 2023

  Joshua 21, Levite Inheritance, June 19, 2023

  Joshua 22, An Altar at Geliloth, June 20, 2023

  Joshua 23, Joshua's Epitaph, June 21, 2023

  Joshua 24, Death of Joshua, June 22, 2023


  Judges 1, An Incomplete Conquest, June 23, 2023

  Judges 2, The Rise of Judges, June 24, 2023

  Judges 3, A Lefthanded Assassin, June 26, 2023

  Judges 4, Deborah and Jael, June 27, 2023

  Judges 5, Deborah's Song, June 28, 2023

  Judges 6, Call of Gideon, June 29, 2023

  Judges 7, Gideon's Three Hundred, June 30, 2023

  Judges 8, The Rule of Gideon, July 1, 2023

  Judges 9, Gideon's Son in Shechem, July 3, 2023

  Judges 10, Cycles of Evil, July 4, 2023

  Judges 11, Jephthah, July 5, 2023

  Judges 12, Shibboleth, July 6, 2023

  Judges 13, Birth of a Nazirite, July 7, 2023

  Judges 14, A Lion and a Wife, July 8, 2023

  Judges 15, Jackass with a Jawbone, July 10, 2023

  Judges 16, Samson and Delilah, July 11, 2023

  Judges 17, The Rich Man and the Levite, July 12, 2023

  Judges 18, Danites Steal a Priest, July 13, 2023

  Judges 19, Gang Rape, July 14, 2023

  Judges 20, A Tribe Destroyed, July 15, 2023

  Judges 21, Benjamin Rebuilds, July 17, 2023


  Ruth 1, Widows and Famine, July 18, 2023

  Ruth 2, A Man Named Boaz, July 19, 2023

  Ruth 3, A Night in a Barn, July 20, 2023

  Ruth 4, A Redeemer Born in Bethlehem, July 21, 2023

I Samuel

  I Samuel 1, Hannah's Prayer, July 22, 2023

  I Samuel 2, A Young Boy Dedicated in the Temple, July 24, 2023

  I Samuel 3, God Speaks to Samuel, July 25, 2023

  I Samuel 4, Ichabod, July 26, 2023

  I Samuel 5, YHWH vs. Dagon, July 27, 2023

  I Samuel 6, The Ark Returns, July 28, 2023

  I Samuel 7, Ebenezer, July 29, 2023

  I Samuel 8, "Give Us a King!", July 31, 2023

  I Samuel 9, Saul, Son of Kish, , Aug 1, 2023

  I Samuel 10, Saul Prophesies, Aug 2, 2023

  I Samuel 11, Saul Defeats Jahash, Aug 3, 2023

  I Samuel 12, Samuel's Last Sermon, Aug 4, 2023

  I Samuel 13, Saul Makes a Sacrifice, Aug 5, 2023

  I Samuel 14, A Taste of Honey, August 7, 2023

  I Samuel 15, A Torn Robe, August 8, 2023

  I Samuel 16, A Son of Jesse will be King, August 9, 2023

  I Samuel 17, A Philistine Giant, August 10, 2023

  I Samuel 18, A Bloody Bride Price, August 11, 2023

  I Samuel 19, The King's Jealousy, August 12, 2023

  I Samuel 20, Arrows in a Field, August 14, 2023

  I Samuel 21, David and the Shewbread, August 15, 2023

  I Samuel 22, Massacre of Priests, August 16, 2023

  I Samuel 23, Saul Pursues David, August 17, 2023

  I Samuel 24, A Test in a Cave, August 18, 2023

  I Samuel 25, David and Abigail, August 19, 2023

  I Samuel 26, Another Test for David, August 21, 2023

  I Samuel 27, David Flees to the Philistines, August 22, 2023

  I Samuel 28, The Witch of Endor, August 23, 2023

  I Samuel 29, David with the Philistines, August 24, 2023

  I Samuel 30, Ziklag, August 25, 2023

  I Samuel 31, Death of Saul, August 26, 2023

II Samuel

  II Samuel 1, Weeping for their King, August 28, 2023

  II Samuel 2, Generals Abner and Joab, August 29, 2023

  II Samuel 3, Ish-bosheth's Blunder, August 30, 2023

  II Samuel 4, Murder of Ish-Bosheth, August 31, 2023

  II Samuel 5, The City of David, September 1, 2023

  II Samuel 6, Bring the Ark to Jerusalem, September 2, 2023

  II Samuel 7, The Davidic Covenant, September 4, 2023

  II Samuel 8, Victories Wherever He Goes, September 5, 2023

  II Samuel 9, Mephibosheth, September 6, 2023

  II Samuel 10, A New King of the Ammonites, September 7, 2023

  II Samuel 11, Bathsheba, September 8, 2023

  II Samuel 12, A Poor Man with a Pet Lamb, September 9, 2023

  II Samuel 13, Rape and Consequences, September 11, 2023

  II Samuel 14, Partial Reunion With Absalom, September 12, 2023

  II Samuel 15, Absalom's Conspiracy, September 13, 2023

  II Samuel 16, Ziba, Shimei, Ahithopel, September 14, 2023

  II Samuel 17, Absalom Pursues David, September 15, 2023

  II Samuel 18, Death of Absalom, September 16, 2023

  II Samuel 19, Return to Jerusalem, September 18, 2023

  II Samuel 20, The Rebellion of Sheba, September 19, 2023

  II Samuel 21, The Gibeonites and Saul's Descendants, September 20, 2023

  II Samuel 22, Song of David, September 21, 2023

  II Samuel 23, Mighty Men of David, September 22, 2023

  II Samuel 24, Census and Plague, September 23, 2023

I Kings

  I Kings 1, Schemes for the Throne, November 13, 2023

  I Kings 2, Solomon Takes Charge, November 14, 2023

  I Kings 3, Request for Wisdom, November 15, 2023

  I Kings 4, Each Under His Own Fig Tree, November 16, 2023

  I Kings 5, Hiram, King of Tyre, November 17, 2023

  I Kings 6, Solomon Builds a Temple, November 18, 2023

  I Kings 7, Solomon's Palace, November 20, 2023

  I Kings 8, The Temple Dedicated, November 21, 2023

  I Kings 9, God's Covenant with Solomon, November 22, 2023

  I Kings 10, A Foreign Queen Visits Solomon, November 23, 2023

  I Kings 11, Wives and Concubines, November 24, 2023

  I Kings 12, A Kingdom Divided, November 25, 2023

  I Kings 13, Jeroboam Confronted, November 27, 2023

  I Kings 14, Reigns of Rehoboam and Jeroboam, November 28, 2023

  I Kings 15, Abijah, Asa, and Nadab, Baasha, November 29, 2023

  I Kings 16, Brief Kingdoms of Israel, November 30, 2023

  I Kings 17, Elijah, December 1, 2023

  I Kings 18, Battle of the Gods, December 2, 2023

  I Kings 19, Whisper, December 4, 2023

  I Kings 20, Warfare with Ben-Hadad of Damascus, December 5, 2023

  I Kings 21, Jezebel and a Vineyard, December 6, 2023

  I Kings 22, Micaiah and Four Hundred Prophets, December 7, 2023

II Kings

  II Kings 1, Elijah and the Death of Ahaziah, December 8, 2023

  II Kings 2, Chariot of Fire, December 9, 2023

  II Kings 3, Three Kings Against Moab, December 11, 2023

  II Kings 4, Miracles of Elisha, December 12, 2023

  II Kings 5, Naaman's Leprosy, December 13, 2023

  II Kings 6, Battles with Damascus, December 14, 2023

  II Kings 7, The Lepers' Story, December 15, 2023

  II Kings 8, Hazael in Damascus, December 16, 2023

  II Kings 9, Jehu at Jezreel, December 18, 2023

  II Kings 10, Destruction Continues, December 19, 2023

  II Kings 11, Child King, December 20, 2023

  II Kings 12, Reign of Joash, December 21, 2023

  II Kings 13, Jehoahaz and Jehoash in Israel, December 22, 2023

  II Kings 14, Amaziah, A Mere Thistle, December 23, 2023

  II Kings 15, Assassinations, December 25, 2023

  II Kings 16, Ahaz of Judah, December 26, 2023

  II Kings 17, The End of Israel, December 27, 2023

  II Kings 18, Judah Under Siege, December 28, 2023

  II Kings 19, Defeat of Assyria, December 29, 2023

  II Kings 20, Healing and Hubris, December 30, 2023

  II Kings 21, Manasseh, A Plate to Wipe Clean, December 31, 2023

  II Kings 22, Josiah and Temple Repairs, January 2, 2024

  II Kings 23, Renewal, For a Time, January 3, 2024

  II Kings 24, Nebuchadnezzar Conquers, January 4, 2024

  II Kings 25, To Babylon, January 5, 2024

I Chronicles

  I Chronicles 1, From Adam to Edom, April 1, 2024

  I Chronicles 2, From Israel to David, April 2, 2024

  I Chronicles 3, Descendants of David, April 3, 2024

  I Chronicles 4, The Descendants of Judah and Simeon, April 4, 2024

  I Chronicles 5, The Genealogy of the Transjordan Tribes, April 5, 2024

  I Chronicles 6, The Descendants of Levi, April 6, 2024

  I Chronicles 7, The Descendants of the Seven Remaining Sons of Jacob, April 8, 2024

  I Chronicles 8, Descendants of Saul, April 9, 2024

  I Chronicles 9, Exiles Return to the Temple, April 10, 2024

  I Chronicles 10, The Death of Saul, April 11, 2024

  I Chronicles 11, David and His Powerful Warriors, April 12, 2024

  I Chronicles 12, All of Israel Unites at Hebron, April 13, 2024

  I Chronicles 13, Moving the Ark, April 15, 2024

  I Chronicles 14, Alliances and Victories, April 16, 2024

  I Chronicles 15, The Ark Arrives in Jerusalem, April 17, 2024

  I Chronicles 16, Regular Worship before YHWH in Jerusalem, April 18, 2024

  I Chronicles 17, Plans for a Temple, April 19, 2024

  I Chronicles 18, Victory Everywhere, April 20, 2024

  I Chronicles 19, Battle at Medeba and Amman, April 22, 2024

  I Chronicles 20, More Victories, April 23, 2024

  I Chronicles 21, An Evil Census, April 24, 2024

  I Chronicles 22, Preparations for a Temple, April 25, 2024

  I Chronicles 23, Levites Service in the Permanent Temple, April 26, 2024

  I Chronicles 24, Assignments of Levites, April 27, 2024

  I Chronicles 25, Levite Musicians, April 29, 2024

  I Chronicles 26, Gatekeepers, April 30, 2024

  I Chronicles 27, Military and Civilian Leaders in Israel, May 1, 2024
  I Chronicles 28, A Promise to Solomon, May 2, 2024
  I Chronicles 29, Coronation of Solomon, May 3, 2024

II Chronicles

  II Chronicles 1, Gold as Common as Stones, May 4, 2024

  II Chronicles 2, Agreement with Hiram of Tyre, May 6, 2024
  II Chronicles 3, Construction of the Temple, May 7, 2024
  II Chronicles 4, The Furnishings of the Temple, May 8, 2024
  II Chronicles 5, Temple Dedication, May 9, 2024
  II Chronicles 6, Solomon's Prayer, May 10, 2024
  II Chronicles 7, Joyful Completion and Promise, May 11, 2024
  II Chronicles 8, Expanding the Kingdom, May 13, 2024
  II Chronicles 9, The Golden Age of Israel, May 14, 2024
  II Chronicles 10, Solomon's Kingdom is Divided, May 15, 2024
  II Chronicles 11, Rehoboam, King of Two Tribes, May 16, 2024
  II Chronicles 12, Invasion by Egypt, May 17, 2024
  II Chronicles 13, Abijah, May 18, 2024
  II Chronicles 14, Asa's First Good Years, May 20, 2024
  II Chronicles 15, Asa's Renewal, May 21, 2024
  II Chronicles 16, Asa's Decline, May 22, 2024
  II Chronicles 17, Jehoshaphat, Great-great-grandson of Solomon, May 23, 2024
  II Chronicles 18, Jehoshaphat and Ahab, May 24, 2024,
  II Chronicles 19, Promoting Justice In Judah, May 25, 2024
  II Chronicles 20, The Valley of Blessing, May 27, 2024
  II Chronicles 21, Bloody Jehoram, May 28, 2024
  II Chronicles 22, The Rise of Athaliah, May 29, 2024
  II Chronicles 23, Plans to Restore the Throne, May 30, 2024
  II Chronicles 24, Joash, Boy King, May 31, 2024
  II Chronicles 25, Amaziah, Piety and Arrogance, June 1, 2024
  II Chronicles 26, Uzziah, June 3, 2024
  II Chronicles 27, Jotham, June 4, 2024
  II Chronicles 28, Ahaz (and Israel and Assyria), June 5, 2024
  II Chronicles 29, Hezekiah Throws Open Temple Doors, June 6, 2024
  II Chronicles 30, Passover Again!, June 7, 2024
  II Chronicles 31, Contributions for the Temple, June 8, 2024
  II Chronicles 32, Hezekiah and Sennacherib, June 10, 2024
  II Chronicles 33, Manasseh, June 11, 2024
  II Chronicles 34, Josiah, Another Boy King, June 12, 2024
  II Chronicles 35, Final Revival, June 13, 2024
  II Chronicles 36, Chaos: Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, Zedekiah, June 14, 2024


  Ezra 1, Rebuilding the Temple!, June 15, 2024

  Ezra 2, On to Jerusalem!, June 17, 2024
  Ezra 3, Worship Renewed!, June 18, 2024
  Ezra 4, Opposition, June 19, 2024
  Ezra 5, Appeal to the Archives of Cyrus, June 20, 2024
  Ezra 6, What the Archives Reveal, June 21, 2024
  Ezra 7, A Trained Priest Sent From Babylon, June 22, 2024
  Ezra 8, Caravan to Babylon, June 24, 2024
  Ezra 9, Pagan Wives, June 25, 2024
  Ezra 10, Separation, June 26, 2024


  Nehemiah 1, Ruins of Jerusalem, June 27, 2024

  Nehemiah 2, A Cupbearer Makes a Request, June 28, 2024
  Nehemiah 3, Repairing Walls and Gates, June 29, 2024
  Nehemiah 4, A Fox Could Break It Down, July 1, 2024
  Nehemiah 5, Usury, July 2, 2024
  Nehemiah 6, Schemes Against Nehemiah, July 3, 2024
  Nehemiah 7, A Remnant Returns, July 4, 2024
  Nehemiah 8, The Reading of the Law, July 5, 2024
  Nehemiah 9, Covenant History Recited, July 6, 2024
  Nehemiah 10, Sealing of a New Commitment, July 8, 2024
  Nehemiah 11, Resettlement of Jerusalem, July 9, 2024
  Nehemiah 12, Choirs on the Walls, July 10, 2024
  Nehemiah 13, Purity and Separation, July 11, 2024


  Esther 1, Vashti's Disgrace, July 12, 2024

  Esther 2, A New Queen, July 13, 2024
  Esther 3, Haman's Vendetta, July 15, 2024
  Esther 4, Mordecai's Lament, July 16, 2024
  Esther 5, Esther's Intervention, July 17, 2024
  Esther 6, Honoring a Faithful Citizen, July 18, 2024
  Esther 7, Gallows, July 19, 2024
  Esther 8, Race to Save the Jews, July 20, 2024
  Esther 9, Purim, July 22, 2024
  Esther 10, Second in Rank, July 23, 2024


  Job 1, Disaster Strikes a Godly Man, February 12, 2024

  Job 2, A Second Disaster Strikes Job, February 13, 2024

  Job 3, "Why was I born?", February 14, 2024

  Job 4, "The Righteous are Rewarded!" says Eliphaz, February 15, 2024

  Job 5, "And Fools are Crushed," Says Eliphaz, February 16, 2024

  Job 6, "I am Innocent, Innocent, Innocent!", February 17, 2024

  Job 7, "Innocent - Yet Harassed at Every Step", February 19, 2024

  Job 8, "Righteousness Is Rewarded; Sin is Punished!" Insists Bildad, February 20, 2024

  Job 9, "God is Too Awesome in Justice and Power", February 21, 2024

  Job 10, "Open, Grave, and Take Me!", February 22, 2024

  Job 11, "But Rewards Follows Righteousness!" Insists Zophar, February 23, 2024

  Job 12, "Yes, God Is All Powerful", February 24, 2024

  Job 13, "Let Me Argue Before God", February 26, 2024

  Job 14, "Such Brevity in Life!", February 27, 2024

  Job 15, Eliphaz: "Wicked Always Suffer", February 28, 2024

  Job 16, "God, My Accuser and Advocate", February 29, 2024

  Job 17, "You False Optimists!", March 1, 2024

  Job 18, Bildad: The Consequences of Evil, March 2, 2024

  Job 19, Painfully Waiting for a Redeemer, March 4, 2024

  Job 20, Zophar: Axiom of Retribution, March 5, 2024

  Job 21, "No, It is the Wicked Who Prosper", March 6, 2024

  Job 22, Eliphaz: You Abused the Poor! Repent!, March 7, 2024

  Job 23, The Hidden God, March 8, 2024

  Job 24, Moving Boundary Stones -- The Success of the Wicked, March 9, 2024

  Job 25, Man Cannot Stand Before God, March 11, 2024

  Job 26, The Power of God, March 12, 2024

  Job 27, Justice Denied, March 13, 2024

  Job 28, Ode to Wisdom, March 14, 2024

  Job 29, Past Honor and Joy, March 15, 2024

  Job 30, But Now You Attack Me!, March 16, 2024

  Job 31, Oath of Innocence, March 18, 2024

  Job 32, A New Voice, March 19, 2024

  Job 33, Elihu: "One, Two,... Many Times Does God Save a Man", March 20, 2024

  Job 34, Elihu: Emphatic Axiom of Retribution, March 21, 2024

  Job 35, Elihu: God Far Above You, March 22, 2024

  Job 36, Elihu: Praise Instead of Complain!, March 23, 2024

  Job 37, Impending Storm, March 25, 2024

  Job 38, The Creator Steps In, March 26, 2024

  Job 39, Ox, Ostrich and Eagle, March 27, 2024

  Job 40, Justice and Behemoth, March 28, 2024

  Job 41, Leviathan, March 29, 2024

  Job 42, Resolution, March 30, 2024

Psalms, Book I

  Psalm 1, Two Roads, September 25, 2023

  Psalm 2, A King's Coronation, September 26, 2023

  Psalm 3, Ten Thousand Enemies, September 27, 2023

  Psalm 4, An Evening Song, September 28, 2023

  Psalm 5, A Morning Song, September 29, 2023

  Psalm 6, Drowning in Tears, September 30, 2023

  Psalm 7, Violence and Recoil, October 2, 2023

  Psalm 8, The Awesome Heavens, October 3, 2023

  Psalm 9 (& 10), Justice!, October 4, 2023

  Psalm 10 (continuation of 9), Justice!, October 5, 2023

  Psalm 11, The Davidic Refrain, October 6, 2023

  Psalm 12, The Arrogance of the Wicked!, October 7, 2023

  Psalm 13, How Lonnnng?, October 9, 2023

  Psalm 14, The Corrupt Fool, October 10, 2023

  Psalm 15, Who Can Dwell With God?, October 11, 2023

  Psalm 16, Boundary Lines & the Path of Life, October 12, 2023

  Psalm 17, Apple of God's Eye, October 13, 2023

  Psalm 18, Smoke and Consuming Fire! (Part 1), October 14, 2023

  Psalm 18, Smoke and Consuming Fire! (Part 2), October 16, 2023

  Psalm 19, The Stars and Law Speak Out, October 17, 2023

  Psalm 20, Blessing Before Battle, October 18, 2023

  Psalm 21, Blessing After Battle, October 19, 2023

  Psalm 22, Silent and Suffering, Ignored by God, October 20, 2023

  Psalm 23, A Shepherd's Song, October 21, 2023

  Psalm 24, Who is this King of Glory!, October 23, 2023

  Psalm 25, Show, Teach, Guide, Remember, October 24, 2023

  Psalm 26, You Vindicate Me & I Praise You, October 25, 2023

  Psalm 27, Your Face I Seek, October 26, 2023

  Psalm 28, Rock & Fortress, October 27, 2023

  Psalm 29, The Voice of the Lord, October 28, 2023

  Psalm 30, Weeping for a Night – Joy in the Morning!, October 29, 2023

  Psalm 31, Rescue, Rock, Refuge, Fortress, October 31, 2023

  Psalm 32, A Moaning Mule Finds Mercy, November 1, 2023

  Psalm 33, Sing a New Song, November 2, 2023

  Psalm 34, Exalting Acrostic, November 3, 2023

  Psalm 35, Shield, Buckler, Spear, Javelin -- and Betrayal, November 4, 2023

  Psalm 36, An Essay on Wickedness, November 6, 2023

  Psalm 37, Relax, Do Not Fret!, November 7, 2023

  Psalm 38, Stomach Burning, Heart Churning, November 8, 2023

  Psalm 39, The Handbreadth of Life, November 9, 2023

  Psalm 40, A New Song, Proclaiming Righteousness, November 10, 2023

  Psalm 41, Healing, November 11, 2023 

Psalms, Book II

  Psalm 42, Thirsty for God, January 6, 2024

  Psalm 43, I will yet praise him!, January 8, 2024

  Psalm 44, Awake, O Lord!, January 9, 2024

  Psalm 45, A Wedding Song, January 10, 2024

  Psalm 46, Be Still, January 11, 2024

  Psalm 47, Nations, Clap Your Hands!, January 12, 2024

  Psalm 48, YHWH is in Zion!, January 13, 2024

  Psalm 49, Riddle: What of the Grave?, January 15, 2024

  Psalm 50, Summon the Earth, January 16, 2024

  Psalm 51, Purify Me!, January 17, 2024

  Psalm 52, Pure Evil, January 18, 2024

  Psalm 53 (= Psalm 14), All are Corrupt, January 19, 2024

  Psalm 54, Deliverance from the Ziphites, January 20, 2024

  Psalm 55, Betrayed by a Friend, January 22, 2024

  Psalm 56, A Dove in Gath, January 23, 2024

  Psalm 57, Awaken the Dawn!, January 24, 2024

  Psalm 58, Venomous Rulers, January 25, 2024

  Psalm 59, Nighttime Scavengers, January 26, 2024

  Psalm 60, God over Enemy Nations, January 27, 2024

  Psalm 61, Living Enthroned, January 29, 2024

  Psalm 62, My Only Fortress, January 30, 2024

  Psalm 63, Thirsty, January 31, 2024

  Psalm 64, Justice Rebounds, February 1, 2024

  Psalm 66, Shout with Joy!, February 2, 2024

  Psalm 65, Like Rain in the Desert, February 3, 2024

  Psalm 67, Shining upon All the Earth, February 5, 2024

  Psalm 68, Powerful Heavenly Procession, February 6, 2024

  Psalm 69, Floods of Mockers, February 7, 2024

  Psalm 70, Poor and Needy, February 8, 2024

  Psalm 71, Refuge from Birth to Grave, February 9, 2024

  Psalm 72, Solomon Asks for Wisdom, February 10, 2024

Psalms, Book III

  Psalm 73, Almost Slipped, July 24, 2024

  Psalm 74, Amongst The Ruins, July 25, 2024
  Psalm 75, Horns Lifted Up, July 26, 2024
  Psalm 76, Lion of Judah, July 27, 2024
  Psalm 77, Reaching Out at 3 AM, July 29, 2024
  Psalm 78 (Part 1), Our Story, July 30, 2024
  Psalm 78 (Part 2), Our Story, July 31, 2024

Psalms, Book IV

  (coming in 2024)

Psalms, Book V

  (coming in 2025)


  (coming in 2024)


  (coming in 2024)

Song of Songs

  (coming in 2024)


  (coming in 2024)


  (coming in 2025)


  (coming in 2025)


  (coming in 2025)


  (coming in 2025)


  (coming in 2025)


  (coming in 2025)


  (coming in 2025)


  (coming in 2025)


  (coming in 2025)


  (coming in 2025)


  (coming in 2025)


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