Thursday, August 8, 2024

Psalm 85, Justice and Peace Kiss

For the director of music. Of the Sons of Korah. A psalm.

Psalm 85:1-3, Covered all the sins of the people
 You showed favor to your land, O LORD;
 you restored the fortunes of Jacob.
 You forgave the iniquity of your people 
and covered all their sins.
You set aside all your wrath 
and turned from your fierce anger.

The psalmist remembers when YHWH rewarded the land and people with favor, when He forgave sins and turned away wrath. Both commentators Alter and Kidner mention the strange Hebrew tense in verbs in verses 1 through 4, as if these things had happened in the past but also possibly were completed events in the future. In the rest of the song the psalmist will ask for exactly these things and described them as an assured future.

Psalm 85:4-7, Revive us, restore us
 Restore us again, O God our Savior, 
and put away your displeasure toward us.
 Will you be angry with us forever? 
Will you prolong your anger through all generations?
Will you not revive us again, 
that your people may rejoice in you?

 Show us your unfailing love, O LORD, 
and grant us your salvation.

The psalm continues with the request, indeed the expectation, that God will not be angry forever, that a time of unfailing love and salvation approach.

Psalm 85:8-9, Dwell in the land
I will listen to what God the LORD will say; 
he promises peace to his people, his saints--
 but let them not return to folly.

 Surely his salvation is near those who fear him,
 that his glory may dwell in our land.

In the upcoming restoration, the psalmist urges God's people, as they experience God's salvation, to not be foolish and return to their old ways. As the people seek salvation, God's glory approaches. The word for "dwell" is shakon, is, says Kidner (p.309), "the root of the term Shekinah, which in later Judaism became an expression for God's glory dwelling among His people." The psalmist seeks to see YHWH present throughout the land, not just in the temple.

Psalm 85:10, A kiss
 Love and faithfulness meet together; 
righteousness and peace kiss each other.

In this salvation, the two distinct attributes, love and faithfulness meet together; in this salvation righteousness and peace kiss! There will be both justice and peace, these go together. (The modern slogan "No justice, no peace!" echoes this verse.)

Psalm 85:11-12, Harvest of faithfulness and righteousness
 Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, 
and righteousness looks down from heaven.
 The LORD will indeed give what is good,
 and our land will yield its harvest.

YHWH's salvation brings faithfulness and righteousness together; faithfulness is portrayed as leaping heavenward as righteousness comes down. All of this will physically bless the earth.

Psalm 85:13, Led by righteousness
Righteousness goes before him 
and prepares the way for his steps.

In this final verse, one might imagine Righteousness leading God, guiding His steps. (Both Alter and Kidner agree that the Hebrew is unclear.)

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